Ex Philosophia Claritas
Out of Philosophy Clarity



SEVIMAPay Tuition Payment Through BNI dan Tokopedia


10 July 2020


Starting the second semester of the 2020-21 academic year, tuition payment at Driyarkara School of Philosophy will be made through the service of Sevimapay. Payment channels available at this time include BNI and Tokopedia (Indomaret has not been able to make payments for a while). To use this method of payment, please login into your SIADRI (Sistem Informasi Akademik Driyarkara) account, click 'Riwayat Keuangan' (Financial History), and make sure you already have unpaid invoices (Tagihan Belum Lunas). If you do, please mark the invoice(s) you would like to pay, and click 'Generate' button at the top right corner. Choose your payment channel and click 'Generate VA' (Virtual Account). The VA will automatically appear under the 'Virtual Account' Menu. Use this specific VA for payment through the channel you have chosen. To understand how to make payment through each channel, please watch the related videos below.



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