Prof. Dr. Nicolaus Driyarkara SJ (born in Kedunggubah, Kaligesing, Purworejo, June 13, 1913 - died in Girisonta, Ungaran, Central Java, February 11, 1967 at the age of 53 years. Driyarkara's main teaching is "humans are friends to others". Humans are colleagues or friends for others in this world of sociality (homo homini socius) The homo homini socius mind is placed to criticize, correct, and improve the sociality of thugs; sociality that mutually, preys, and hates each other in homo homini lupus (fellow is a wolf to humans). Until 1951 Driyarkara's name was unknown, he spent most of his time studying intensively, the diary he wrote from January 1, 1941 until the early 1950s was never separated from the actual, pressing problems faced by humans, especially the people of Indonesia. The early public works of his writings were not directly philosophical. His initial work was in the form of light notes in Javanese published by Praba magazine, a Javanese language weekly published in Yogyakarta. Followed later by Warung Podjok with the pseudonym Pak Nala. The publication of the Basis magazine in 1951 opened the opportunity for Driyarkara to introduce his ideas to the public. First with the name Labor, then with the full name Driyarkara. The way it is presented is conversation style, step by step, it takes the reader to philosophical reflection.
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