Amartya Sen Membongkar Rasionalitas
Abstrak: Amartya Sen, penerima hadiah Nobel Ekonomi 1998, dikenal sebagai ekonom dengan kontribusi penting dalam pemikiran pembangunan. Ia pencipta Indeks Pembangunan Manusia, yang kini dipakai luas sebagai pengukur lebih lengkap kualitas pembangunan di seluruh dunia. Apa yang jarang diketahui adalah bahwa berbagai pemikirannya diajukan dalam dialog dengan filsafat moral dan epistemologi. Di jantung dialog Sen itu adalah kritiknya terhadap pengertian rasionalitas. Dengan mengkaji kritik Sen, tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa proposal Sen bagi konsepsi rasionalitas lebih merupakan pintu masuk bagi perluasannya daripada sebuah alternatif.
Kata-kata Kunci: rasionalitas, kepentingan-diri, simpati, komitmen, preferensi, pilihan.
Abstract: Amartya Sen, recipient of the 1998 Nobel Prize in economics, is renowned for his seminal contribution in the area of development. He is the originator of the Human Development Index, a new policy device now adopted worldwide as a more adequate measure of the quality of development. What is rarely known is that his ideas are expounded as part of his dialogue with moral philosophy and epistemology. At the heart of this dialogue is his trenchant critique of the notion of rationality. By examining Sen’s critique of the notion of rationality, this article suggests that the conception of rationality proposed by Sen stands as an entry point for broadening the notion of rationality rather than an alternative to it.
Keywords: rationality, self-interest, sympathy, commitment, preference, choice.
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